Your website is an online shop and as beautiful and functional as it may be, it’s useless without targeted customers who are actively searching for your product or service.

Handycats offers a full service online marketing solution to help you generate visitors and qualified leads to your website. Our team has years of experience working in the online arena and can assist you with the following


We offer Search Engine Optimisation campaigns to help grow your organic traffic through major search engines like Google and Bing.

We offer SEO audits to diagnose any existing issues as well as on-site and off-site optimisation techniques.

SEO is a long-term investment that will reap great rewards if done correctly and you need an innovative forward-thinking solution to guide your business in the right direction.


We build and implement Pay -Per- Click campaigns through Google AdWords which are targeted at customers who are actively searching for your product or service. You set a budget and only pay when someone clicks on your ad and goes through to your website, this is a very powerful tool used to drive traffic to websites. We have many years of experience in developing and managing AdWords campaigns for our clients.

Finding the right keywords is an ongoing process and a crucial element of successful AdWords management. Our long-term experience and deep understanding of the tourism market enables us to assist our clients in choosing the best keywords to target an appropriate audience, leading to high conversion rates.

The development and management of AdWords campaigns is a valuable service offered by Handycats and helps clients generate instant results, while collecting data that can be used in building a stronger SEO Audit.


We have specialized in this field for over 5 years, having adopted our strategy from offering monthly service contracts to performing comprehensive SEO Audits for our clients. In this way, we provide our clients with the tools and knowledge to continue growing their organic traffic, in-house.

Google and other search engines have altered their algorithms to favour those who build their organic rankings, internally. At Handycats we use this understanding and our extensive experience with organic marketing to work closely with clients, setting them up so they can grow their own online presence.

This service includes comprehensive website audits, implementation of key areas of SEO and the development of a conversion marketing strategy.


Perhaps one of the most undervalued marketing tools online and yet one of the most important to understand. We assess and evaluate your current site usability to find bottlenecks and/ or areas that can be changed or improved upon.

Through constant testing we find what works for your business. The overall success of any online marketing campaign relies on its ability to convert traffic into conversions and ultimately boost sales.


Engagement with an audience on various Social Networking platforms can be a very affordable marketing option and if executed correctly will get people talking about a brand.

We help our clients to engage with their audience on various Social Networking platforms. Whether our clients are looking to share information with potential customers, keep themselves updated on the competition or want to drive traffic to their website, we work closely with them to develop a Social Media strategy to achieve their goals.

Social Media Marketing is multifaceted and relies on a holistic approach to Internet Marketing. At Handycats we assist clients to get the most out of their online endeavours.